FONTANE ︎punctum collective
18. Juni 2024
Zacherlfabrik (Nusswaldgasse 14, 1190 Wien)
19h Anlass, 20h Konzertbeginn

 Get your tickets ︎︎︎ here 
 or reserve tickets by writing us ︎︎︎ here 
(please write your name & the number/type of tickets (vollpreis/ermässigt — the ‘ermässigt’ tickets are for students but we also understand if your budget is a bit tight at the moment.)

punctum collective ensemble  |  Impressum  |  website by E Ignashev
Ж Eugene Ignashev, Evgeny Ignashev, Evgenii Ignashev Ж, iiignashev, Евгений Игнашев Ж